WaGCG : Wantage and Grove Campaign Group
Wantage and Grove Campaign Group (WaGCG)

King Alfred's East Site

The outline application for this site was approved in August 2016 after a long consultation and much discussion about the illustrative layout. See (Vale Ref: P12/V0299/O) for details.

The detailed application appeared to ignore the previous consultation and took a long time to get approval. It was finally approved in May 2018 See (Vale Ref: P17/V2479/RM) with insufficient visitor parking and insufficient open space. The open space provision listed includes the drainage ponds which should not be included. Councillors ignored both of these problems - after all, only four of the Councillors on the committee come from Wantage and Grove so how could the committee be expected to know about our parking problems and lack of public open space?

The development masterplan is available here: Site Masterplan

There is a major issue with the 'snicket' (alleyway) between the development and Charlton Road.

This is the only access from the development directly to the Charlton Road.
East Site Snicket
The footpath has been designed as steep steps and handrails which unfortunately excludes access to those who are mobility impaired and makes it difficult for pushchair and bicycles users.
This is a footpath that is used by a large number of children, not just from the East Gate estate but from the surrounding areas, going to and from the local primary school on their bikes.

There is currently a planning application to allow the steps to remain P21/V3349/FUL but local residents want them removed and a simple slope reinstated which could be easily used by everyone.

See our Wantage and Grove Map for detailed locations.

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